Vegan Nutrition Guide


Nuts & Seeds

2 Servings [1 serving = 1oz.]

You can get enough essential fats by including just 1 tbsp of flaxseeds, chia seeds, or walnuts into your diet – the rest is for enjoyment and energy purposes.


3+ Servings [1 serving = u00bd cup cooked]

This category includes beans, lentils as well as hummus, tofu, and soy milk etc. Emphasize the whole food here as well and increase your servings if wanted.


4+ Servings [1 serving = u00bd cup chopped]

Enjoy the full spectrum and choose fresh over dried. Limit fruit juices. Increase your servings if you have a huge sweet tooth!


5+ Servings [1 serving = u00bd cup cooked or 1 cup raw]

Eat the rainbow! Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables are especially nutrient dense. Eat abundantly from this category.


6+ Servings [1 serving = u00bd cup]

Emphasize whole-grains like brown rice, quinoa, millet, wheat berries etc. eat them until satiated and increase your daily servings to suit your energy needs.

Foods to emphasize in general

Philip Wollen

Philanthropist and former VP Citibank, GM Citicorp


“Veganism is the Swiss Army Knife of the future. One instrument solves our ethical, economic, environmental, water and health problems and ends animal cruelty forever.”


The Environment


Industrial animal agriculture occupies more than half of the worlds arable land resources, expels more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector and uses the majority of our fresh water stores.z

Joseph Moore

University of Oxford Researcher


“Converting crops into meat is like converting coal to energy. It comes with an immense cost in emissions.”

The Animals


Industrial agriculture slaughters 24 million farm animals each day for human consumption.

Jim Carrey



“Since spending time in nature with animals I found out that, we are the wild savages and they are the ones who are actually civilized.”

Health & Humanity


Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found through groundbreaking research that a vegan diet caused more than 500 genes to change in only three months. turning on genes that prevent disease and turning off ones that cause breast cancer, heart disease, prostate cancer and other illnesses.

Mark Bittman

American food journalist, author, and former columnist for The New York Times


“The evidence of every variety overwhelmingly highlights the benefits of plant-predominant diets for the health outcomes that matter most: years in life, and life in years; longevity, and vitality.”

Erykah Badu

Soul Diva


“Vegan food is soul food in it’s truest form. Soul food means to feed the soul. And, to me, your soul is your intent. If your intent is pure, you are pure.”